Before you leave
Do a hotel research on the internet not only look for the cheapest prices but also consider the facilities and services provided, location, the possibility of reference from others. Travel guide books can also be very helpful to choose the most suitable hotel for you. Be flexible with your travel schedule as possible. For example, business class hotels often have a lower weekend rate.
As soon as you book a room, document all information about the hotel. The easiest way is to print the entire page from your computer screen so you will have a clear statement that you can use as evidence in terms of placement errors or incorrectly enter your information by hotel clerks. Take a copy with you, make the others for your relative so they will know when and where you will stay so they can contact you in an emergency case.
At check-in
Learn the right check-in time and check-out.
Confirm the facilities and services provided by the hotel. Ask direction, local map. Get a card with a hotel name, address, and telephone number so you can show it to the taxi driver or someone who passes on the road if you get lost.
Some hotels can provide additional services that you might not know unless you request them:
- Laundry service,
- hairdryer,
- Voltage converter / adapter,
- Newspaper service,
- Complimentary food,
- Access, photocopiers, printers, computers, internet connections,
- Cable TV, Film Rent, Video Game,
- Portable beds, baby cribs,
- complementary shuttle service to the airport,
- Safe rent for money, jewelry, documents,
- Phone access costs,
- Costs for using mini-bars,
- Guided tour, visit.
Security must be a priority for everyone and you must take precautions. We devote a separate page to travel safely including hotel security steps so we will pass this part here. When you go out for that day, leave your key at the reception desk. Confirm the closing time. Some hotels do keys at night and you are expected to keep the key if you stay late.
Before leaving your hotel
See your room for left stuff. If you need extra time to stay over ordinary check-out time (usually ranging from 11am to 2 things), make a request in advance or the hotel might charge you an additional night.
Review the hotel bill to ensure that all costs are accurate.
Have a successful and safe trip!